Zdf Changes Program: No "Erzgebirgskrimi" On Saturday

ZDF Changes Program: No "Erzgebirgskrimi" On Saturday

ZDF Changes Program: No "Erzgebirgskrimi" On Saturday

ZDF is shaking up its Saturday night program and will no longer be broadcasting the popular Erzgebirgskrimi series in this slot. Instead, a new crime series called "Nord Nord Mord" will be shown. The decision has caused mixed reactions among viewers.

Reasons for the Change

ZDF cited several reasons for the change in programming. The broadcaster argued that the Erzgebirgskrimi had lost some of its appeal in recent years and that the audience had declined. ZDF also stated that it wanted to offer a wider range of crime series to viewers and that Nord Nord Mord would be a better fit for the Saturday night slot.

Mixed Reactions from Viewers

The decision to drop the Erzgebirgskrimi from its Saturday night lineup has been met with mixed reactions from viewers. Some viewers have expressed their disappointment, arguing that the Erzgebirgskrimi was a popular and well-made series. Others have welcomed the change, saying that they are looking forward to seeing a new crime series on ZDF.

Nord Nord Mord: A New Crime Series

Nord Nord Mord is a new crime series set in the North Sea island of Sylt. The series follows the investigations of a team of detectives as they solve crimes on the island. The series stars Robert Atzorn, Julia Brendler, and Oliver Wnuk.

Critical Reception

Nord Nord Mord has received positive reviews from critics. The series has been praised for its strong cast, well-written stories, and beautiful cinematography. Critics have also noted that the series has a unique atmosphere that sets it apart from other crime series.


ZDF's decision to drop the Erzgebirgskrimi from its Saturday night lineup has been met with mixed reactions from viewers. Some viewers have expressed their disappointment, while others have welcomed the change. The new crime series, Nord Nord Mord, has received positive reviews from critics and is expected to be a hit with viewers.

Erzgebirgskrimi – Krimis aus Sachsen - ZDFmediathek
Image by www.zdf.de

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